Grazziella Takahashi Cavalcante
1 Oct 2023
Santa Maria, Rio Grande Do Sul (Brazil)
Not reported
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/1-Oct-2023/Grazziella Takahashi Cavalcante
Grazziella passed away in a motel room while with a man. The cause of her death is not known.
A trans woman identified as Grazziella Takahashi Cavalcante, 35 years old, died late this Sunday afternoon (1) in a motel room in Santa Maria.
The victim was there in the company of a man, who reported the incident and asked for help from the establishment's receptionist, who called the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu), who, upon arriving at the suite where the couple was staying, found the woman already lifeless.
The cause of death is being investigated and must be confirmed after an autopsy examination. The Military Brigade was called, as well as the Civil Police and the General Institute of Expertise (IGP).
According to delegate Marcelo Arigony, head of the Homicide and Personal Protection Police Station (DPHPP), in Santa Maria, preliminary investigations are being carried out: – The police station team was at the scene, an investigation was carried out and the incident is being investigated.
In principle, there appears to be no evidence of a violent death, but the body will be sent for autopsy to certify the cause of death. A police investigation will be launched to determine all the circumstances.