Carla Perez
Age 3018 Oct 2023
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/18-Oct-2023/Carla Perez

Carla was shot in the street.
A 30-year-old [trans woman] was shot dead in the early hours of Wednesday (18) in the Padre Eustáquio neighborhood, Northwest region of Belo Horizonte. The crime occurred in front of the Horácio de Miranda trench.
The first information released by the Military Police (PM) shows that three men participated in the crime. One of them fled in a silver Pálio car, heading towards the Center. The other two on foot.
Residents of the region said that the victim was accompanied by another [trans woman] and was murdered with three shots. She would be known in the region as Carla Perez and worked during the day in a supermarket on Avenida Dom Pedro II, and at night she [did sex work] in the area.