17 Dec 2023 Porto Velho, Rondônia (Brazil) Strangled
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/17-Dec-2023/Ashley de Freitas
Ashley was strangled to death in front of a motel.
A 34-year-old [trans woman], identified as [deadname] de Freitas and known as Asheley, was strangled to death in the early hours of this Sunday (17/12). The crime took place in front of a motel located on Rua Caparari, close to Avenida Rio Madeira and BR-364, in Porto Velho (RO).
According to information gathered by the Jornal Eletrônico Portal de Rondônia team, the [trans woman] was in front of the motel, when a man on a motorcycle arrived, stopped her and dragged her to a nearby bush.
Witnesses reported that they heard the victim screaming for help and then saw the man leaving the scene on the red motorcycle.
Rescuers from the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) were called, but when they arrived at the scene, the victim was already dead.
Military police officers recorded the incident. The crime took place during the early hours of the morning and forensic experts did not arrive at the scene of the crime until after until 9am on Sunday morning.