TDoR 2024 / 2023 / December / 27 / Paola Portillo

Paola Portillo

Age 23

27 Dec 2023
Baracoa, Cortés (Honduras)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/29-Dec-2023/Paola Portillo

Paola Portillo
Paola Portillo [photo:]

Paola was shot multiple times by unidentified assailants in what appears to have been a targeted execution.

On a tragic night in Baracoa, Cortés, [deadname] Mejía, known as Paola Portillo, a member of the LGTBIQ+ community, lost her life in a shooting attack carried out by unknown persons. She lived in Barrio Las Flores, Baracoa sector, and was recognized for her charisma and active participation in the community.

The victim was on the detour that leads to the village of Baracoa when she was violently attacked.

The police arrived at the scene to cordon off the area and wait for forensic medicine to carry out the removal of the body in accordance with legal procedures.

According to preliminary reports, Paola was attacked by armed individuals who, after committing the violent act, fled without leaving a trace. Community members called the National Police to the scene of the crime.

Inspection of the body confirmed that Paola had multiple gunshot wounds and no longer had vital signs. The Forensic Medicine team proceeded to remove the body to perform the corresponding autopsy before being handed over to his relatives.

The motive for the murder and the whereabouts of the perpetrators are not currently known.

Paola's Facebook profile is

Report added: 31 Dec 2023. Last updated: 13 Nov 2024

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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