TDoR 2024 / 2024 / January / 12 / Bruna Trindade/Bruna Andrade

Bruna Trindade/Bruna Andrade

Age 39

12 Jan 2024
Caraguatatuba, São Paulo (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/12-Jan-2024/Bruna Trindade / Bruna Andrade

Bruna Trindade/Bruna Andrade

Bruna Trindade died after being beaten by her ex-partner.

The team from the 1st Police District of Caraguatatuba, in the Porto Novo neighborhood, clarified a crime of feminicide and transphobia, which occurred in January. After investigations and statements, the victim's [ex-]partner confessed to the crime.

The investigation work, led by delegate Rodolfo Augusto, uncovered the murder of [trans woman] Bruna Trindade, in January this year in the Porto Novo neighborhood.

The ex-partner confessed to the crime before the police chief and investigators. The victim was found dead on the morning of January 12th on a sidewalk at Alameda Francisco de Assis Rosa Silva, 140, in the Porto Novo neighborhood. The victim had injuries all over her face, with signs of violence on her face and mouth.

In an initial statement Bruna's ex-partner denied responsibility, stating that the victim had enemies in Taubaté and Caraguatatuba. He also told the Civil Police that he was not surprised by the victim's absence on the morning of the crime and Bruna's failure to return to the couple's house, as they had an open relationship.

The Civil Police determined that he was hiding the truth. After a court request to access telephone records, the Civil Police discovered new evidence and drew attention to his coldness and sarcastic behavior in conversations, leaving no doubt whatsoever that he was the perpetrator of the feminicide.

After authorization for his temporary arrest, the man was arrested in Taubaté and transferred to Caraguatatuba. After being interviewed by delegate Rodolfo Augusto and confronted by the Civil Police in light of the evidence, he was left with no way out and confessed to having committed the crime.

He said that Bruna was threatening to kill him and his family. The Civil Police determined he was hiding his relationship with Bruna from his ex-wife.

The man confessed that the couple argued in the street at around 2 am on January 12th and that during the argument he placed a rear-naked choke on Bruna and, after asphyxiating her, began hitting her on the head with stones, leading to her death. Bruna's instant death. Anderson also said that he committed the crime alone.

After the confession, the Civil Police prepared the Final Report of the Police Inquiry asking for his preventive detention. The Public Prosecutor's Office was in favor of the arrest and charged him with the crime. The court ordered preventive detention.

Report added: 21 May 2024. Last updated: 13 Nov 2024

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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