TDoR 2024 / 2024 / January / 23 / Rafaelyyy Costa

Rafaelyyy Costa

23 Jan 2024
Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/23-Jan-2024/Rafaelyyy Costa

Rafaelyyy Costa

Rafaelyy was killed by her husband. He was arrested shortly after the murder.

Civil Police from the Baixada Fluminense Homicide Police Station (DHBF) arrested this Tuesday morning (31), Evan França Ribeiro, accused of having killed his wife, a [trans woman] with the social name Rafaelyyy Costa, on January 23 in Itaguaí, in Baixada Fluminense.

During the crime investigation, in conversation with the police, Evan presented a disjointed version of Rafaelyyy's death. According to him, both were involved in a fight with a recyclable material collector, who allegedly stabbed the victim.

In the house, the police found traces of blood in the bathroom, as well as a knife, which made the version reported by the accused unlikely. In a formal statement at the police station, the agents found that Evan was lying, mainly due to her conduct after Rafaelyyy's death, as well as the region in which she stated that she had been stabbed, which did not match the expert report.

Based on the facts discovered in the investigation, Evan's temporary arrest was requested and accepted by the Court on Tuesday night (30), which made it possible for him to be arrested this morning.

Evan's cell phone was seized and will undergo forensic examination. The main line of investigation is that Evan killed Rafaelyyy after an argument they both had due to jealousy.

According to the Civil Police, he told neighbors that he intended to move to Maranhão this week, which led to the urgent arrest of the accused on Wednesday morning.

Report added: 3 Feb 2024. Last updated: 13 Nov 2024

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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