Adrian Fox Bollinger ("Adri")
Age 20 (born 5 Dec 2003)28 Mar 2024
Saratoga Springs, New York (USA)
Adri was a multi-media artist who used they/them pronouns and was "known to have the biggest heart and empathy that knew no bounds, for animals and people alike."
Adrian Fox Bollinger passed away on March 28", 2024. Adrian was born in Niskaruna New York on December 5, 2003 . Adrian grew up in Saratoga Springs and Corinth, New York. More recently Adrian spent time in Portland, Oregon and New Orleans, Louisiana.
Adrian was a student of life. Loved by many, [they were] an honest, compassionate and gentle soul. Adrian always put the needs of others before [their] own. Adrian enjoyed camping, exploring, writing, music, and was an exceptionally talented artist. Adrian worked in horticulture at Dean's florist, created artistic commissions and also assisted with animal rescue and rehab. Adrian was known to attend to possums found on the road and checked for living babies in the pouch.
Adri's Facebook profile is
They published photos of their artworks to the Instagram account