Age 2213 Apr 2024
João Pessoa, Pariaba (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/13-Apr-2024/Shayene

Shayene died after being stabbed during the early hours of Saturday 13th April. She was the second trans woman killed in João Pessoa in two days.
A trans woman was murdered with a knife in the early hours of Saturday (13) in João Pessoa. The crime took place in the Jaguaribe neighborhood and the victim's body was found on a sidewalk.
According to information from the Civil Police, the victim was injured with a blow to the chest area. The woman was known as Chayene. The crime will be investigated by the Civil Police.
This Friday (12) the body of another trans woman was found near the PB-008 highway, in the Aratu Community. Gunshot wounds were identified on the victim.
A suspect was arrested on Wednesday 17th April. A second suspect is still being sought.
A man suspected of the murder of a trans woman was arrested this Wednesday, 17th, in the Jaguaribe neighborhood, in João Pessoa.
The homicide was committed last Saturday, the 13th, and the victim, identified as Shayene, was killed with a stab wound to the chest while sleeping.
“The victim had no chance of defense. The team on duty took all the necessary measures for the investigations and today we managed to arrest one of the accused, who confessed to the crime. The motivation, according to the accused himself, would be an argument with the victim who had threatened him, so he killed her first”, said delegate Bruno Victor.
According to the delegate, another suspect is being sought for participation in the crime.
Editor's note: the victim's name was variously reported as Chayanne, Chayene, Chaiene and Shayene.