TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/22-Jul-2024/Aryadina Montenegro
Aryadina's body was found in the backyard of her home. Her face was bloody and disfigured.
On Monday morning (22), hairdresser Aryadina Montenegro, 23, was found dead in the backyard of a residence in the São Joaquim neighborhood, in the North of Teresina. Her body had several bruises on the face, with injuries that suggest they were caused by stones. The suspicion is that Aryadina, a trans woman, was a victim of transphobia.
The 9th Battalion of the Military Police of Piauí (BPM) was called to respond to the incident. Police vehicles were sent to the scene, where the police reported that the body was found near one of the lakes located at the back of the residence.
Hours before her death, Aryadina shared stories on her Instagram account, showing that she was drinking and having fun with friends. So far, no suspects have been arrested. The body was collected by the Forensic Medical Institute, and the case is being investigated by the State Department of Homicide and Personal Protection (DHPP).
On Thursday 15th August Orlando da Costa Silva was arrested in connection with her murder.
The Homicide and Personal Protection Department (DHPP) arrested a man identified as Orlando Silva, suspected of murdering hairdresser Aryadna Montenegro , 23, on July 21, in the São Joaquim neighborhood, North of Teresina.
Investigations revealed that the victim had spent the night drinking with friends and had been to a gas station. Security camera footage showed Orlando with Aryadna before the body was found.
Orlando denied any involvement in the crime to the police, but due to contradictions in his testimony, he was ordered to be held in temporary custody. According to the police, Orlando is known as Magnata and is responsible for three homicides.
The last one occurred in July 2023 when he was caught red-handed. In August of last year he was sentenced to 21 years in prison for murder, but he was free to appeal. All crimes involved excessive use of violence.
On 1st November a man identified as Francisco das Chagas and a teenager were also arrested in connectiion with the murder. According to police, three men and the teenager are involved in the case.