R. Hong
Age 4125 Sep 2024
Carcar City, Cebu (Philippines)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/25-Sep-2024/R. Hong

R. was shot by an assailant riding a motorcycle.
CEBU, Philippines — A member of the LGBT Community was shot and killed in their home in Sitio Ihawan, Barangay Poblacion, Sibonga City, past 8 pm on Wednesday.
The victim is Roderick Hong, 41, a member of the LGBT community and a resident of the said area.
According to Sibonga Police Station, at 8:20 pm on Wednesday, the victim had just arrived at the rented house when an unknown person knocked on the door. The victim opened it and was suddenly shot twice.
CCTV footage showed the killer wearing a helmet quickly running away and riding a motorcycle he left on the side of the road after the crime.
The victim was taken to the Carcar District Hospital but died. The authorities are still investigating the motive of the crime. — IBM BANAT NEWS
Source: AR Arcon / LakanBini Trans Network