Letícia Antonella Maryon
Age 2227 Sep 2024
Piracicaba, São Paulo (Brazil)

Letícia died by suicide after beng convinced to detransition by an evangelical pastor who is themselves a detransitioner.
Letícia Maryon, a 22-year- old [trans woman], took her own life after being the victim of a "detransition" process led by a pastor who claims to be an "ex-travesti" and preaches "gay cure". The information was released by LGBTQIAPN+ movements and by federal deputy Erika Hilton (PSOL-SP) .
Letícia had recently participated in a service by Pastor Flávio Amaral to talk about her process. At the event, she stated that she had been going through a "spiritual war between the flesh and the spirit" for days.
The pastor who led Letícia, who calls himself a "former travesti", is known for applying "conversion therapies" to LGBTQIAPN+ youth. On his social media, he preaches that it is possible to "leave homosexuality" through religion, and shares several stories, such as Letícia's. The pastor also participates in TV programs and podcasts.
In a post on social media, congresswoman Erika Hilton (PSOL-S) lamented what happened and stated that society cannot continue to accept that religious people torture people from the LGTBQIAPN+ community to death.
"There is no other name for 'gay cure' and 'trans cure' other than TORTURE. Forcing a person to deny themselves, in degrading processes, so that they stop being who they are, is torture and cruelty. And it is also an incitement for the person to stop being themselves, in their integrity. An incitement to suicide", highlighted the deputy.
She added that "unfortunately, there are loopholes for religious leaders to continue convincing LGBTQIA+ people that their very existence is wrong, and call their torture 'cure'.