Leah Jo
Age 3725 Oct 2024
Denver, Colorado (USA)

Leah died by suicide. She had a degree in political science from UMass Amherst and was originally from North Hampton.
Hello, It is with a really heavy heart that I reach out to let you know about someone from my local community we lost. A trans woman in Denver Colorado, Leah Jo, [died by] suicide on October 25, 2024. She had just recently turned 37 and has left a gap in the hearts of a lot of the queer community in this part of town.
She was from North Hampton, Massachusetts and graduated from UMass Amherst. She had a political science degree. I did not know Leah personally but a lot of folks in my circle were also in hers. She was a loving friend and cared deeply for other people and for her world. She will be missed.
When I was just a newly orphaned, way too talkative, obviously queer and neurodiverse teen, I definitely clinged to Leah Jo whenever she came to hang out with [redacted] and she always listened no matter how annoying I was and it’s something I’ll never forget. I’m sad we never got to share our trans joy together in my adult years but I will continue to live as loud as possible for her.
All hail the fucking queen.
Leah's Facebook profile is https://www.facebook.com/leah.jo.5070. A memorial group was set up in her memory at https://www.facebook.com/groups/leahjolove/.