TDoR 2025 / 2024 / December / 04 / Name Unknown

Name Unknown

4 Dec 2024
Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo (Brazil)

Name Unknown

The victim was killed by a man after she accusing him of raping her during a date. Her identity was not reported.

The perpetrator was arrested.

The Military Police arrested, on Wednesday night (4), a 25-year-old man, accused of having beaten a person to death. The fight took place on Rua Antônio Vasques, Parque Industrial Lagoinha, East Zone of Ribeirão Preto.

According to information from the PM, residents reported a fight between two people by calling 190. One of the victims, according to the complaint, was a [trans woman].

The police found a body lying on the sidewalk and called the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU). The rescuers, however, only confirmed the death of the victim, who had been hit several times in the head with a club.

The person who beat the [trans woman] to death was arrested. He told the police that the two had argued and the victim had accused him of raping her on another date.

The scene was preserved for forensic work. The body was then taken to the Legal Medical Institute (IML) for identification. The man was taken to the Central Judicial Police Station (CPJ) in downtown Ribeirão Preto.

He was arrested in flagrante delicto and taken to a prison unit, where he remained at the disposal of the courts to answer for intentional homicide.

Report added: 18 Dec 2024. Last updated: 18 Dec 2024

Trigger warning

This site contains reports of violence against transgender people, and links to detailed reports which contain graphic imagery.

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