Nakia Ladelle Baker
Age 317 Jan 2007
Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
TDoR list ref: Jan 2007/Nakia Ladelle Baker

Nakia's body was found next to her car early on the morning of Sundary 7th January. She had been shot.
The body of Nakia Ladelle Baker, 31, of Richardson Road was found next to her car at 3312-B Nolensville Pike, behind Club Adventura & Billiards in the early morning of January 7, 2007. Although the death had initially been reported as a beating death, an autopsy found a bullet.
There were signs of a struggle around Baker’s car, but no one in the area — including security guards — reported hearing a gunshot. Nakia left the bar as it was closing down, but no one reported seeing the altercation or the death.
Her murder remains unsolved.