Camila Montoya
1 Jan 2016
Cali, Valle del Cauca (Colombia)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/1-Jan-2016/Camila Montoya

Camila was shot twice by police officers while she was walking through the streets of the El Retiro neighborhood in the 15th district of Cali.
Relatives of the victim say that she was going home when police officers asked Camila an “inspection”, which she resisted.
“Her friends told me that the officers grabbed her and amid the struggle a shot rang out.” stated Martha Cecilia Montoya, Camila’s mother. “My daughter used pepper spray to defend herself, and immediately one of the cops shot her again,” she said.
Reports indicate that the young trans woman was opposed to the police inspection “only because agents wanted to touch her”. (In South and Central America, these police acts are mostly a form of abuse directly linked to the trans population, where police elements provocatively touch sensitive body zones, this was the kind of “touch” she was denying.)
TvT project: El Tiempo & QHubo, 06.01.2016