Letícia Silva
Age 225 May 2016
Belem, Para (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/5-May-2016/Letícia Silva

Letícia was shot by two men on a motorcycle not far from her home at around 1pm on Thursday 5th May. She died on the way to the hospital.
A [trans woman] was killed on Thursday afternoon (5), around 1 pm, in Passagem Valdir Acatauassu Nunes in the Benguí neighborhood of Belém. The victim used the social name of Letícia Silva and was 22 years old. She was involved in drug trafficking and may have been killed because of a "territory dispute" in the narcotics trade.
According to Bengui police chief of operations, investigator Sena, the victim was close to home when two men on a motorcycle approached and the passenger fired gunfire at the victim. She was rescued by family members but died from her injuries while on her way to hospital.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & ORM News, 05.05.2016