Thiemy Oliveira
Age 248 Aug 2016
Maringa, Paraná (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/8-Aug-2016/Thiemy Oliveira

Thiemy was stabbed in the abdomen in the early hours of Monday 8th August. She died in an ambulance.
She was originally from Campo Grande, lived in the capital and had moved about three months ago, according to her mother, Edivete Manoel João, 47. Thiemy also went by the name of Joyce.
The suspects involved in the deaths of a man and a trans woman, in Maringá , in northern Paraná, surrendered to police on Friday (19). The crimes happened in the early hours of August 8, at a 15-minute interval. The suspect appeared at the Maringá police station, which investigates the crimes.
On the same day of the robberies, police identified three suspects and found the car used by the group in Sarandi, 6 km from Maringá.
One suspect was shot dead on 11 August. The man, 32, was hiding in a bush in the Jardim Bom Pastor neighborhood in Sarandi.
Police are still searching for the third suspect, 27, who is appointed as the owner of the vehicle. According to the investigations, he was the third suspect who drove the car at the time of the crime.
Shortly after being arrested, the suspect who surrendered took the police officers to the place where he killed the trans woman, on Avenida Colombo, and then to the place where he threw the knife used in the murders.
The two suspects arrested told police that there was a fourth person in the vehicle at dawn of the crimes. The person involved is a minor and has already been identified.
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & Midiamax, 08.08.2016