Yasmin Montoy
Age 2010 Oct 2016
São Paulo (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/10-Oct-2016/Yasmin Montoy

Yasmin was beaten. Her body showed signs of the violence she had suffered and an injury to her head which was “probably done with a stick”. However, despite the testimony of friends, the police report states that there were no signs of violence and called for drug and toxicology tests.
The 20-year-old Yasmin Montoy was beginning the process of sex adequacy. She would turn 21 on the 16th and was gradually raising money to put silicone in her breasts - a dream that was close to being realized.
However, this trajectory was interrupted at dawn on Monday (10), near the Parque do Carmo, east of São Paulo. A friend of Yasmin, who declined to be named, said she saw her injuries from assaults and stab wounds on her body. She says she believes it to have been a crime of transphobia.
The police record, however, speaks of "suspected death." The police reported that they were called to an incident of an “individual feeling sick” and when they arrived at Travessa Maria Morais Moreira, Yasmin was being assisted by the Fire Department, which then found her dead.
The version of the police report in the 63rd Police District that the body had no signs of violence is disputed by Yasmin's friend.
"In the police report does not say that he had physical aggression, but of course. She was on the street and was more exposed. It may be a so-called customer, but sometimes it can be the guys who were going through it just to be mean."
TvT partner organisation Rede Trans Brasil & R7 Noticias, 13.10.2016