Selena Peixoto
Age 371 Jan 2020
Dilermando de Aguiar, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/2-Jan-2020/Selena Peixoto

Selena was shot by the occupants of a car who called for her by name after they pulled up outside her home. She died in hospital.
Dilermando de Aguiar - A [trans woman], identified as [deadname], 37, was shot and died in the town of Sarandi, in the central municipality of the state. The crime occurred on the night of Wednesday, January 1, around 9 pm.
According to the report, a garrison of the São Pedro do Sul Military Brigade was fired by neighbors who heard gunshots coming from the [trans woman]'s house. When the police arrived at the scene, they came across the victim's partner trying to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
When questioned, the 52-year-old PSMP man said [deadname] had suffered a stroke. The transsexual was rushed to the Santa Maria Emergency Room, where her death was confirmed.
The doctors who attended the victim found that her body had three gunshot wounds. Her partner reported that the shots were fired by occupants of a car.
On 20th January two suspects were arrested.
The Civil Police arrested, on Monday morning (20), two suspects of the death of a woman in Dilermando de Aguiar, in the Central Region , which occurred on the night of January 1. The victim, who was a transsexual and known as Selena Peixoto, 37, was shot dead in the town of Sarandi, in the interior of the municipality.
So far, investigations suggest that the motive for the crime would be a debt of R $ 600 that one of the suspects had with the victim for the purchase of a horse. According to the police, Selena raised horses, in addition to maintaining an African religious house.
The suspects are 25 and 26 years old and have been temporarily detained for 30 days. Their names were not released.
One of the youths was the shooter and had the debt with the victim. The other was responsible for driving the car used at the time of the crime. The police also discovered that this man was on the run due to a December 2005 robbery conviction.
In August 2022 Paulo Roberto Chagas Ferraz was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Diovani da Silva Rodrigues was acquitted.
Two men accused of the death of Selena Peixoto, 37, inside Dilermando de Aguiar on January 1, 2020 were tried at the São Pedro do Sul Forum last Tuesday (2). One of the defendants, Paulo Roberto Chagas Ferraz, was sentenced to six years in prison. Diovani da Silva Rodrigues was acquitted. The two had been in prison since January 20 of that year and, after the trial, were released.
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