Susana Silvestre León
Age 3610 Oct 2020
Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco (Mexico)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/10-Oct-2020/Susana Silvestre

Very little is known about what happened to Susana, other than that after she died the authorities denied having her body for 4 months.
For more than three months, the body of Susana Silvestre León, a 36-year-old trans young [woman], remained in the Jalisciense Institute of Forensic Sciences (IJCF), although the authorities of the organization denied having it, despite the evidence they presented and the questions that her relatives did for her.
Susana's body was handed over to her loved ones until February 4. If not for pressure from groups and families, his remains would be forgotten, without identification, underground.
“Our partner Susana was about to be buried as an unidentified deceased person. Which would mean that close people and their relatives would have had to continue searching indefinitely, ”says one of his relatives.
The groups of missing persons and LGBTQ + demanded that the authorities work on the identification and not just bury the human remains . Only so far this year 35 people whose identity is unknown have been buried.
On February 13, 2021, in front of the Venustiano Carranza statue, in Parque Revolución (Rojo), independent and state groups of the LGBT + community, organized a press conference demanding a response about the incompetence of the state authorities of Jalisco before the identification of the body of 36-year-old Susana Silvestre de León.
The press conference (which was directed by Dayanna de la O. Rivadeneira Ramírez Ochoa, general director of Diversidad Tlajomulco) had the purpose of demanding the investigation of Susana's death and denouncing the irregularities in the search, identification and recognition process by the Jalisco state prosecutor's office and the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences.
Susana Silvestre de León, was a 36-year-old trans woman who on October 10, 2020, was the victim of a crime of transphobia that took her life; Friends of the victim comment that the brother of the deceased appeared before the SEMEFO for recognition of the body on October 11, 2020 (one day after his disappearance) and they presented him with innumerable obstacles to carry out the search and recognition process of the corpse. The answer was conceived until February 4 of this year, when they gave notice that the body was about to be buried without being identified (highlighting that the authorities did not exhaust the established methods).
The groups that called the press conference will sign a statement, which will be presented to the state government, in order to demand various improvements to the investigation processes of missing persons, as well as awareness-raising by the authorities on diversity issues sexual and gender, and collaboration with human rights entities to handle these types of cases.