Jay Hoarau
Age 16 (born 17 Mar 2005)3 Sep 2021
Saint-Denis, Réunion (France)

Jay's body was found in his room.
A young trans man found dead in Saint-Denis.
According to reports, a 16-year-old Trans Reunionese man was found dead in his room in Saint-Denis in Reunion.
Starting in sixth grade in high school, after years of school harassment (verbal, physical and online.) By school's “so-called comrades with impunity”, Jay took his own life in his bedroom on Friday the 3rd September 2021 in Saint-Denis (Meeting).
His name was Jay HOARAU, born March 17, 2005 in Tampon, died at 16 by suicide, found dead September 3, 2021 in Saint-Denis (Réunion).