Pamela Correia
30 Jan 2022
Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/30-Jan-2022/Pamela Correia
Pamela's body was found on the morning of Sunday 30th January. She had been beaten around the head with bricks.
The morning after the National Day of Trans and Travesti Visibility, the body of a [trans woman] was found this Sunday morning (30), near an abandoned construction site, surrounded by broken bricks, in the Monte Alegre 3 neighborhood, on the outskirts of Cabo Frio, in Lakes Region.
According to witnesses, there were marks on the [trans woman's] head, indicating that she would have been killed by bricks. The refinements of cruelty point to a hate crime.
Residents told O Dia that they tried to call the police, but were unable to do so. Because of the delay in removing the body, there were already flies flying over the victim.
Witnesses could not identify the [trans woman], but there were some who said that she was from the “pé sujo” (bar) in the Jardim Peró neighborhood.