TDoR 2022 / 2022 / July / 20 / Sasha Barrionuevo

Sasha Barrionuevo

Age 38

20 Jul 2022
Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Not reported

TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2022/20-Jul-2022/Sasha Barrionuevo

Sasha Barrionuevo
Sasha Barrionuevo [photo:]

Sasha died in hospital after prison officials refused her requests for medical care.

Before she died she had rapidly lost 30kg in weight and was suffering froms of vision, vomiting, dizziness, episodes of very low blood pressure and fatigue.

Sasha Barrionuevo was 38 years old, had 13 siblings and 35 nephews. As with many trans women, she found no other source of income than prostitution. For a long time she had to deal with police abuse on the streets of Mar del Plata. She spent the last year and a half of her life, imprisoned. She suffered and reported beatings. Her body gave multiple warning signs, but she was accused of making it up. She died in hospital, almost simultaneously with the signing of her release. The agony was the key to get out of confinement. To get rid of her, when it was too late.

Sasha passed away on July 20 at the Dr. Oscar Alende Interzonal General Acute Hospital (Higa). She had been transferred there while she was detained in the 44th mayor of the Batán Prison Complex. She had lost more than 30 kilos in the last time, she was losing her vision and she had almost no mobility when they took her on a stretcher to receive extramural care. The Provincial Commission for Memory (CPM), which had been monitoring her situation, demands that the causes of her death and the incidence of lack of access to health care be investigated.

“She told me that she felt very sick. She abruptly lost 35 kilos. She was vomiting, she had vision loss, she was disoriented. But she and her companions said that the Penitentiary Service did not believe her . Due to an underlying illness that she had, her immune system was compromised. She should have had tests done to rule out meningitis, tuberculosis, everything. Why didn't they take her to the hospital? They let her be. Her death could have been avoided, ”Yésica Gómez, one of Sasha's many nieces, is outraged. They were almost the same age and a very close bond: "We grew up together."

Report added: 31 Jul 2022. Last updated: 8 Nov 2022

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