Age 3514 Apr 2024
Monterrey, Nuevo León (Mexico)
Shot and burned
TDoR list ref: tgeu/tdor2024/14-Apr-2024/Alyson

Alison's burned body and the beheaded body of a man were found in an apartment after a fire started by armed assassins who arrived in a vehicle.
On April 14 in the Treviño neighborhood in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, in northern Mexico, a fire was reported in a neighborhood. According to information from local media , firefighters and civil protection personnel put out the fire and found the charred bodies of two people: that of a man and a trans woman.
According to Sylvia Pérez, activist and member of the Trans Monterrey Collective, the woman's name was Alison, she rented that room, she did sex work and she was 35 years old.
Until now, the Nuevo León State Prosecutor's Office has not reported the incident. In local press reports it was reported that personnel from the State Investigation Agency interviewed neighbors and the landlord and are looking for security cameras to identify those responsible. In the notes it emerged that “armed men in a vehicle arrived at Alison's home and set it on fire.”
This is a “collateral transfeminicide” crime, explains Sylvia Pérez. That is to say, “it apparently happened as a settling of accounts because the man was beheaded, but there are traces of violence against her which indicates that it is also a femicide due to transphobia,” explains the activist.
“Something we also noticed is that the media criminalized and revictimized Alison. They let it be seen as just another execution, they don't even mention that it is a femicide where there was hatred, cruelty,” she adds.
On the afternoon of April 16, activists called for a protest at the Prosecutor's Office to demand that it be investigated with a gender and human rights perspective.
[Editor's Note: The spelling of the victim's name varies between report, having variously reported as "Alyson", "Alisson" and "Allison". One report also incorrectly stated that the murder occured on 7th July]