Tina Rodriguez

Age 27

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA)

Beaten and suffocated. 30 Jun 1986

Tina was suffocated, beaten and sexually mutilated by Donald Jennings along with Tanya Moore.

Tanya Moore

Age 31

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA)

Beaten and shot. 30 Jun 1986

Tanya was shot in the face, beaten and sexually mutilated by Donald Jennings along with Tina Rodriguez.

Live Oak Doe

Age 20-30

South Houston, Texas (USA)

Strangled. 10 Jul 1986

Live Oak Doe was murdered in July 1986, but her identity was not known until DNA analysis revealed it in January 2021. Her name has not yet been made public.

Monique Rogers

Age 35

Boston, Massachusetts (USA)

Drowned. 3 Aug 1986

Monique was pulled out of Boston Harbor on 3rd August 1986, a period when there were a series of gay- and trans-bashing incidents in the city.

Diane Carter

Age 36

Boston, Massachusetts (USA)

Shot. 16 Sep 1986

Diane was homeless and had untreated mental health issues. She bled to death on a sidewalk after being shot.

Phyllis Olson

Age 30

Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA)

Strangled. 23 Sep 1986

Phyllis was strangled by Thomas DeJuan Jarrett. She also had previously tested positive for HIV/AIDS.

D. F. McLaughlin

Age 23

Syracuse, New York (USA)

Beaten and stabbed. 1 Oct 1986

McLaughlin was beaten, stabbed twice in the neck, and once in the back by Ronald J. Patnode.



Desert City, California (USA)

Shot. 31 Oct 1986

John was shot. No other details are known.